In my daily work I am always stumbling on two annoying features in Visual Studio, and I think it could be improved easily. Here is what I am complaining about.
Here is my first urgent request: Please give me an option to disable WCF Test Client completely!
And here is my second urgent request: Please give me the option in the settings to always jump into the plain text file without jumping into this XSD Design View first!
WCF Test Client
WCF Test Client might be a nice tiny tool for small WCF tests, especially when you are testing smaller scenarios or when you are starting to learn how to implement web services with .NET. But it can be very annoying when you are working on more advanced stuff and your are testing with your local IIS. WCF Test Client always(!) starts automatically when you press F5 for debugging and your opened .svc.cs file has the focus:
When I have configured local IIS is the target for debugging, then I expect my application will start with local IIS and not with WCF Test Client. Always.
Here is my first urgent request: Please give me an option to disable WCF Test Client completely!
Update 03.03.2014: Workaround for WCF Test Client Issue
Select project file -> Right click -> Properties -> Web -> Select Don’t open a page.
XSD Design Start View
When you open XSD files, which are part of your solution file it will always be opened with XSD Design Start View:Update 03.03.2014: Solution for XSD problem
The solution can be found here:XSD: Right-click -> Open With.... Then select the XML Editor and hit Set As Default