Why should I reconsider my iPhone security policy? I have my iPhone four digit pass code and Find my iPhone feature feature is activated. So how should abuse be possible? What could a thief be doing with my stolen iPhone? Well, possibly quite a lot. At least the bold print bullets in this article should be mandatory for everyone. Of course this is no guarantee for invulnerability but it will improve your security. After watching this video you should consider the following actions:
- Change your Apple ID rescue mail address and do not add this mail account to your iPhone.
- Consider to use a proper and usable password policy for your Apple ID like this or this (German article).
- Consider a complex pass code for your iPhone. As you can see in the video four digit pass codes can be hacked in no time on iPhone 4. For newer iPhone a leak is not yet known but it is properly there. Definitely do not use these pass codes.
- Alternative to point three: activate delete iPhone after 10 wrong attempts (Go to Settings > Passcode Lock > Enter Your Passcode > Click on Done > Erase Data = ON > Enable). This feature can be very annoying when friends playing with your phone at a party ("Haha, I erased your iPhone!").
- Deactivate control center when iPhone is locked. I agree that it's a little uncomfortable.
- There is a long still ongoing discussion about the pros and cons of Apple's Touch ID which is build in the iPhone 5S. No matter what it is definitely more secure than any 4 digit pass code.
After reading this (German article) you should consider the following:
- Upgrade to iOS 7 if not already done.
- Reinstall your apps after upgrading to enable data protection, at least apps with sensitive data. Otherwise third party app data might be there in plain text. (Just updating the app under iOS 7 will not activate data protection, you need to reinstall the apps).
After seeing this video (iPhone part starts at 44:30) you might consider to
- Do not to use mobile phones at all. Maybe not an option for most of us.
- Block your phone camera (at least your front cam) with a sticker. There is no evidence yet, that somebody can access it but it does not hurt to cover it. And we already saw this issues on PC's and notebooks here and here.
After reading this (German article) you might consider to
- Do not use Key Chain Sync.
- Do not use iCloud Backup, use local backup instead.
- Check your privacy setting and location services.